Datos sobre defillama Revelados

Datos sobre defillama Revelados

Blog Article

The DeFi dashboard includes additional features to explore the DeFi sector from all angles, such Triunfador:

Los CFD y el Forex son productos difíciles de entender y no son adecuados para todos los inversores minoristas conveniente a su complejidad y stop peligro. Debe considerar si puede permitirse perder su capital antes de negociar con estos instrumentos.

The DeFi ecosystem spans multiple blockchains. DefiLlama aggregates data from these diverse chains, offering a comprehensive view of the entire DeFi market, irrespective of the specific blockchain on which a project operates.

Descubra DefiLlama, la mejor plataforma de Descomposición DeFi que ofrece datos en tiempo Vivo y operaciones óptimas con LlamaSwap. Infórmese y realice inversiones más inteligentes.

Liquidations – in this section, you can explore liquidation levels in DeFi and view the total assets that are subject to liquidation.

DeFi Security has been considered get more info to ensure the safety of assets that have been digitized for digital investors. To know more about the security measures of DeFi read this article.

La confusión siguió en el servidor Discord de DefiLlama cuando se publicó un enlace a la afirmación de 0xngmi, con los miembros de la comunidad dejados preguntándose si DefiLlama se había comprometido o hackeado.

DeFiLlama is the leading resource for monitoring the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem and exploring the fundamentals of DeFi projects. Here’s how to use it! ????

To provide a comprehensive understanding of the platform’s capabilities, here’s a breakdown of its key features:

The platform was brought to life by a team including Charlie Watkins and Ben Hauser, with a significant contribution from an anonymous member known Vencedor 0xngmi. Their collective vision was grounded in transparency, accuracy, and community engagement.

La cuenta de Twitter de DefiLlama anunció ayer que podría suceder "algunas sorpresas agradables" en el futuro para las personas que contribuyen y utilizan los servicios del esquema, rematando la exposición con un emoji de paracaídas, sin mencionar específicamente un airdrop.

Figura such, using a wide range of DeFi analytics platforms, consumers Gozque make wise selections for their choices with a keen interest in keeping up with rapid changes that occur within the domain of decentralized finance.

DefiLlama es uno de los agregadores de datos de código despejado más popular del sector. Se proxenetismo de un rastreador de proyectos DeFi, exchanges

By analyzing the TVL trends, they Gozque identify potential investment opportunities or assess the risk associated with specific platforms. Additionally, the 24-hour volume metrics Chucho offer insights into the liquidity and activity of these platforms, aiding in trading decisions.

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